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November 6, 2016:
There's now an Arabic language file available as well.

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Version 4.13 is now available! [More…]


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Translating Broken X Disk Manager

Broken X Disk Manager uses so-called Language Files to translated the user interface into other languages. These Language Files are actually just text files containing the strings used by the program. No programming knowledge is required to create a translation. To make translation even easier and to prevent mistakes, the program Broken X Language Editor is available.

How it's done:

If you decide to translate into a new language, then please check that there's not already a Language File with that language available.

I strongly recommend you to use Broken X Language Editor for your translation, since it can check your translated strings for some errors. These errors can cause Broken X Disk Manager to not work correctly with your Language File. Please read the file Readme.txt which includes some notes, too.

To start your translation, you'll also need the following package: This ZIP archive contains the English Language File along with a patch file. This patch file is used to update your Language File. The Language Editor will automatically apply it to your Language File when you open it.

When you run Broken X Language Editor for the first time, it will ask your for some information. The program needs your name, email address und a Language File used as source for your translation. This can be any available Language File, but you'll nevertheless need the file Broken X Disk Manager.lfp" from the Englisch Language package. This patch file must be located in the same folder as the source Language file.

Broken X Language Editor displays the strings of the Language File as a tree. The items in the lowest level are the strings, named by a number. If you select such an item, the program will show the source string and - if available - the translated string. Just enter your translation for the displayed string an click OK or press Enter to check and store the string.

Broken X Language Editor also offers some search functions.
You can search for strings, check if you forgot to translate strings and you can check if there are any errors in your Language File.

If you have any questions concerning your translation, you may contact me under

Please send your finished Language File to

BTW, every author of a new Language File gets a free license for Broken X Disk Manager Professional! So your translation shall not be free of charge ;-)